Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On the (Almost) Sudden Loss of .....Me!

"You're having a heart attack, we're calling the cardiac team down now!"

I heard those words two weeks ago today, as I write this blog.  Chilling news--I had gone to the ER that morning, thinking I was suffering from acute asthma or pneumonia.  I felt bad all weekend, and by the time Monday morning came around, I thought that my difficulty breathing was a recurrence of asthma or some lung infection, although I couldn't explain the pain in my right arm.

I had my heart attack while hooked up to the EKG in the ER.  This probably saved my life---my attending internist told me that night I was lucky to be at the hospital, that he's known patients who waited a day or two with my symptoms, and they died.  I had 90% blockage on my heart's lower right quadrant, and 80% on the left side.  I was in the cardio surgery room 10 minutes after my 'event,' where they put in the first stent (the second surgery was performed 2 days later).

I'm now back at work, and feeling VERY lucky to be alive.  What possessed me to go to the emergency room?  I am someone who puts off doctor visits constantly (I postponed 3 check-ups this summer).  I am lucky to be alive, especially considering what happened to my co-worker just a month earlier.

I have some lifestyle changes to make, one is to 'destress' my life.   That means, after a long absence, I need to get back to my drawing board, and just create.  Art can be a great high, and I already have  couple of lovely ladies that I wish to capture.


  1. Thank god you are still here. What would we do without your excelent drawings.
    My dad lost suddently a lot of weight, 15 years ago, and he was just like you, not going to see the doctor. When we finally MADE him go, it turned out he had cancer in his colon. He went to ER the next morning, along with 2 other patients, also with cancer in the same place. They had waited even longer, and they died 3 and 5 months later. My dad is ABSOLUTELY alive and kicking, turning 80 next year. Now he visit his doctor often, and it does not hurt :-)

  2. Vince, I had no idea! I thought you were got super busy with your drawings and work.

    My husband walked around having a heart attack for days, telling me he had heartburn and taking Tagamet. Apparently, we aren't aware of what a stroke or heart attack feels like, never having had one before, and symptoms resemble everyday headaches and other aches and pains. Maybe there's an element of denial in it, not wanting to accept it could happen to us.

    I'm so glad you're making life style changes. That's very important! My husband's blockages were about the same as yours, but he didn't make the changes. I know others who have, and they are still enjoying life and friends and family.

    Take good care xxoo

  3. Thanks Anonymous. I guess my collection would have gone up in price! lol. I really can't wait to get back to work on my drawing board, as I have a new lease on life

  4. Thanks Carla.... I figured you'd be wondering where I was. I was busy, but for the wrong reasons.
    I didn't realize this about your husband....I was the same way, thinking the chest pain was pneumonia. I'm damn lucky to be here, and have already started making changes to my lifestyle. Thanks

  5. Best Wishes and hoping it's a quick and good recovery.

    We should get together over a beverage some time since we live close to each other.

    D.L. Wood

  6. It's so good to see you around and about again in the Pixel Forest :-)
